Diesel Generator We Service your Diesel Generator at your place


We Service your Generator at your place.

With a few thousand diesel generator installed across New Zealand, DGNZ services generators from the top of the North Island, all the way to Taupo.
We service generators in commercial buildings, on farms, on mountain tops, RADAR installations, milk and dairy, communication repeater sites, pump stations, crushers, chicken farms, data centres, medical facilities, refrigerated storage and many many more.

Like all mechanical devices, maintenance is critical for ensuring that a standby generator will start, run and support the electrical load when required. A well-planned and executed service program is essential to the operation of any power generation system.

The DGNZ maintenance programme consists of the following:

We also offer electrical load testing (load banking, load testing) of generators. For some customers this is an internal contractual obligation, but for many generator owners this is a forgotten, yet important test function to not only test and prove their installation, but to also burn off oil deposits and glaze which can cause performance issues.

Backup Generator Diesel Generator NZ Hospital Generators Portable Diesel Generator Portable Trailer Mounted Generator Cummins Diesel Generators

Caterpillar Diesel Generators Diesel Generators NZ Mine Generators Mine-Site-Generators Diesel Generators Refinery Generators Deep Sea Generator Controller  ComAp Controllers for Generators Woodward Generator Governor Generator Step Actuator Diesel Generator Exhaust Systems  Insulated Diesel Generator Exhausts Hospital Generator Exhaust Systems Custom Stainless Steel Exhaust Diesel Generator Soft Starter Diesel Generators NZ Electrical Installation Diesel Generator Ring Main Standby Generator NZ Main Contactors




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